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Vintage Christian Dior Necklace

Vintage Christian Dior Necklace

Regular price €120,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €120,00 EUR
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If at the sight of the letters "C" and "D" you think of flowers and lavish skirts rather than compact discs, then you are in the right place.

The vintage Christian Dior chain, adorned with the iconic abbreviation CD, is a creation of the German company Grosse for the fashion house.

Despite its considerable age, the chain looks modern. In some places, the coating has worn off. If desired, you can have it gold-plated at a jewelry workshop, but we believe that age only enhances this jewel.

Christian Dior by Irving Penn for Vogue, 1947
Christian Dior worked in his own brand for only 10 years, from 1947 to 1957, but his name and ideas still influence fashion. He created the New Look, bringing corsets and long skirts back into everyday life.

Dior Bar Jacket, 1947

His idea didn't catch on immediately; in fact, ladies actively protested against such impractical clothing. Post-war, women had grown accustomed to modest and functional attire, with few eager to return to the era of long skirts and corsets. In the United States and Canada, there even emerged a movement against Dior called "Little Below The Knee", meaning no long skirts, please.

Protest against the New Look

However, Dior was lucky with influential clients: Eva Peron and Princess Margaret wore New Look ensembles and dresses. Eventually, beauty triumphed over practicality, and women embraced the new fashion, at least until the 1960s and the creation of the mini-skirt.

Princess Margaret in Dior by Cecil Beaton, 1951

In 1955 Dior started his cooperation with a German jewelry company Henkel & Grosse. 
He was so impressed with the quality of their work that he entered into a contract with Grosse to produce costume jewelry for his house. Such collaboration with a German company after the war appeared unpatriotic. However, as with the new look, Dior stood by this decision once again for the sake of beauty.

Grosse had the exclusive right to sell Christian Dior jewelry in their stores. 

Such is the story of determination for the sake of beauty, thanks to which we now hold this necklace in our hands.

Lucile Carhart by Horst P. Horst, Vogue 1950


Costume jewelry alloy


Length: 43 cm

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